Something to Say
Sometimes I can be full of tears and cries of desperation. Yet, other times I am silent, and catatonic. Though my actions scream apathy, that is far from the truth.
Tonight I am at a loss for words, but full of feeling...full of emotions, pain, disgrace and shame. I'm full of confusion. I'm tired of being labeled a victim. When pain comes from injustice, forgiveness can be found in my heart. When pain comes from a sin I have committed, I drown in regret that rises like a flood. And while it may not make sense to others, I yearn for discipline. I want people to stop blaming others and to blame me instead...blame my lack of faith, trust, and hope. I do want them to mourn with me when I mourn, but to not say "poor her." I don't want my faults justified. Somewhere, covered by the lies that the Enemy has fed me and that I have swallowed, there is a yearning to hold on to hope...not hope that I have...but hope that others have shown for me. It is at a time like this season of my life, that I am thankful for the words of others.
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