Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Battle Cry

This weekend I had a home and someone who took the position of an earthly Daddy [and an earthly Mommy], even though it was not their job. A Daddy who showed me love, even when it was undeserved, and a Daddy who called me out on my sins, even though it hurt. But, more importantly, he pointed my eyes towards my Heavenly Daddy. He showed me that his food did not compare to the bread of life, his hugs were the arms of the King embracing me, his comforting presence was that of an angelical army keeping me safe and striking terror into the enemies of God, his words were those of choirs in Heaven speaking truth into my heart, and his love came from the One who loves unconditionally.
Today I read a statement that went against everything this earthly Daddy showed me, but what the body of Christ often does- “The Church is the only army where we shoot the wounded when they have fallen.” That one short sentenced pierced my heart. When a wounded soldier admits their sin and seeks help for his/her woundedness, fingers are often pointed, adding pain to the injury. Sometimes in our zeal to wipe out sin, we brutally “kill” the sinner. No wonder we are so afraid to confess our sins.
Picture a fallen soldier in Iraq. He made a mistake and entered a place he wasn’t supposed to and ended up gunned down by a stealth enemy. His comrades find him laying in a pool of blood.
“Go on. Shoot him! He didn’t follow directions. He deserves to die,” the commander orders.
“But, Sir?...” A confused soldier questions. “He’s one of us, one of our own.”
“Not anymore, Soldier. Look at him- laying there in the mess of his mistake. Stop talking. Shoot him!”

Sound ridiculous? It should. Why do we continue to harm the hurting?
Spending time with this earthly Daddy, the consequences of sin were made clear, yet I was loved in the process. I never felt attacked. Slowly, with much love and grace, I began to see tangible evidence of my Savior’s love for me. Grasping onto what I hate so much becomes harder as my love increases. And eventually, I hope God moves this fallen soldier to the front line as one of His warriors.
He is not just part of the army of God. But he played the role of my spiritual hospital. Just like the army offers medical care for soldiers, so should the body of Christ. When we harm the hurt, we tarnish the treasured positions that Christ has placed us in and begin to look like the world. We should not look like the vultures waiting for our wounded to die so we can devour them. We should bring them back to health. I am slowly being brought back to health, physically and spiritually, and I want to be a place of refuge, a spiritual hospital, for others who are hurting. Thank goodness, thank GOD, that I have a safe place to regain my dignity and hope, a place to refuel so I can get back in the battle- on the right side.
I wonder how many fellow warriors have defected over enemy lines simply because of the harsh treatment dished out by the Body of Christ. I know I came close.
Instead of  raising my weapons on my own, others bandaged me with love and forgiveness, leading me to truth…not beating me up with their own weapons. And I realize that they were simply modeling after their Leader, Jesus Christ.
I don’t believe in anything but myself
But then you opened up the door
Now I start to believe in something else

How do I know if I’ll make it through?
Where’s the proof in You?

And so it goes
This soldier knows
That the battle with the heart isn’t easily won
…But it can be won.


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